4 Must-Haves For Advertising Your Start-Up Teaching Business! Begin Enrolling Students for Your Microschool, Learning Pod, Summer Camp, or Tutoring Business!

Hey, Teacher Friend!

As a former teacher, turned homeschool mom, and microschool builder, I know what it feels like to start a new teaching path with all the overwhelming fear, and intimidation of not knowing HOW to make this happen and HOW to get my first students… Let alone, scale and grow for the years to come! But thankfully, after much research and tried and true tactics we have succeeded in enrolling, growing, and scaling our microschool to our maximum capacity.

In Today's episode, I share the 4 "Must-Knows" When it Comes to Marketing Your Teaching Business- no matter if it is a summer camp, learning pod, microschool, homeschool, or tutoring business.   

You are going to walk away with some tactical to-do's when it comes to advertising! We discuss a piece of Brene Brown's vulnerability advice as you prepare yourself to take risks and "put yourself out there". Not only do we talk authenticity, but we also tackle our "3 C System" for Connecting, Communicating, and Creating a Lasting Impression for our Prospective Families.  

Enroll NOW! Teacher, Let Your Light Shine’s Educational Marketing Series: A 5 Week Group Coaching Program To Enroll Students Efficiently and Effectively In Your Micro-school, Homeschool, or Tutoring Business! The Marketing Business Bundle is Included!

