8 Tips for Batching, Marketing, and Enrolling Students Into Your Microschool During the Summertime-While Still Enjoying Your Teacher Time Off
As a teacher and educational entrepreneur, I know what it feels like to anticipate a summer full of travel, late nights, fun in the sun, and more flexibility! I also know what it feels like to prepare for a new school year as you are marketing for new students, setting up your new school while also working on your entrepreneurial skills and to-do lists!
So how do we do both? How do we enjoy the beautiful evenings of sipping on summertime lemonade, while also making headway on our new and exciting entrepreneurial endeavor?
In today's podcast episode, I share 8 TIPS to Batching, Marketing and Enrolling Your Students while still enjoying your time off!
You can also read our blog post here!
Yes, this summer will require you to do some work, but it doesn’t have to be a workload that feels too heavy to manage. That’s why I recommend- a plan! Yes, a good ole fashioned teacher plan! So before you hit the streets with the tips I am about to share, please do yourself a favor and sit down with a summer calendar! Nothing is worse than planning an Open House right when your cousins are coming over for a fun-filled week! We have to lean in to what makes sense for your schedule and priorities.
Marketing your microschool during the summertime can be a great opportunity to attract new students and showcase the unique benefits of your educational program. Here are some marketing ideas to consider!