8 Tips for Marketing Your Microschool During the Summertime - While Still Enjoying Your Time Off!


Posted on May 29, 2023 by Makenzie Oliver

As a teacher and educational entrepreneur, I know what it feels like to anticipate a summer full of travel, late nights, fun in the sun, and more flexibility! I also know what it feels like to prepare for a new school year as you are marketing for new students, setting up your new school while also working on your entrepreneurial skills and to-do lists!  

So how do we do both? How do we enjoy the beautiful evenings of sipping on summertime lemonade, while also making headway on our new and exciting entrepreneurial endeavor?

Yes, this summer will require you to do some work, but it doesn’t have to be a workload that feels too heavy to manage.

That’s why I recommend - a plan! Yes, a good ole fashioned teacher plan!

So before you hit the streets with the tips I am about to share, please do yourself a favor and sit down with a summer calendar!  Nothing is worse than planning an Open House right when your cousins are coming over for a fun-filled week!  We have to lean in to what makes sense for your schedule and priorities.  

Marketing your microschool during the summertime can be a great opportunity to attract new students and showcase the unique benefits of your educational program. Here are some marketing ideas to consider:

1. Make a summer plan!

It doesn’t have to be perfect, just sketch it out to see where your time will be spent. Then, use the following suggestions as marketing ideas for your microschool. MOST IMPORTANTLY - don’t feel like you have to do every thing on this list! Take your time and choose what you feel move the needle forward according to your style and enrollment goals.

2. Create a Summer Camp Program

You may be reading this and think…IT’S TOO LATE!!  But I promise you - it’s not! Many parents haven’t had the time to be proactive in preparing their summer, so they are always looking for pop up summer camps to help alleviate the pressure they feel to “juggle it all” during the summer time!  Even a few days a week would bring you more income and more possibilities of students for the next year! Develop a summer camp program that aligns with your microschool's educational philosophy. Highlight fun and engaging activities, hands-on learning experiences, and specialized workshops. Promote the camp through various channels, such as social media, local community groups, and educational forums. We recommend using our Introductory Packet, Brochure, Flyer and Handbook/Contract to help you quickly create marketing materials for your summer camp!

3. Offer Open Houses and Information Sessions

Host open houses and information sessions during the summer to give parents and students a chance to visit your microschool, meet the teachers, and learn about your curriculum. Provide guided tours, conduct presentations, and allow attendees to ask questions. Advertise these events through online platforms, community bulletin boards, and local media outlets. Be sure to snag flyers for your special night!! You’ll want to display brochures and have plenty Introductory Packets available for parents to view. Don’t have any? Grab our templates and guides here!

4. Collaborate with Local Organizations

Partner with local organizations, such as libraries, community centers, and sports clubs, to offer joint programs or workshops. This collaboration helps you reach a wider audience and positions your microschool as an active participant in the community. Consider offering mini-classes or educational events at these partner locations. Don’t forget to have plenty of brochures and flyers readily available! Need flyers and brochures? Click here!

5. Leverage Social Media and Online Advertising

Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share engaging content about your microschool's summer programs. Highlight testimonials from satisfied parents and showcase the unique features and benefits of your educational approach. One easy way to create content for your social media platforms is to use all the heavy lifting we have done for you with our introductory packet!  When it comes to making a social media post, you can pull one sentence or one paragraph to elaborate on with pictures! The hard work and foundation has already been laid down for you! Snag your Introductory Packet here!

6. Engage with Parent Communities

Join local parent groups or online forums dedicated to education and parenting. Contribute valuable insights, share success stories, and answer questions related to education. Be an active participant in these communities and establish yourself as an expert in alternative education. This can help you build trust and attract potential students. Networking is key!

7. Develop Referral Programs

Create referral programs that incentivize current students' families to refer new students to your microschool. Offer discounts on tuition, referral bonuses, or other incentives that motivate parents to spread the word about your school. Encourage positive word-of-mouth marketing through exceptional educational experiences and satisfied families.

8. Host Workshops or Webinars

Conduct free or low-cost workshops or webinars on topics relevant to education, parenting, or child development. Position your microschool as a thought leader and provide valuable information to parents and educators. Capture leads during these events and follow up with personalized emails or calls to promote your microschool's programs. Don’t forget to have plenty of brochures and flyers readily available! Don’t have any? Visit our shop!

Remember to tailor your marketing strategies to your target audience, highlight the unique features of your microschool, and emphasize the benefits it offers over traditional education. Provide clear and concise information about your programs, faculty, and teaching methodology to instill confidence in potential students and their families.

Save time, headache and energy by snagging your business bundle to make your marketing efforts much more streamlined, efficient and powerful!

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Worried about the perfect time to make the change? Scared to jump in and get started, but can't imagine continuing in your current position for another 5 or 10 years?

The time is now! Education is at a pivotal point. Teachers are in high demand for this type of schooling. You can be that teacher!


7 Ways Your Introductory Packet Will Impact Your Microschool or Tutoring Business!


Bring Back Your Happiness as a Teacher! How You Know It's Time To Start Your Teaching Business and Become an Educational Entrepreneur by Building Your Microschool