Where Do I Begin? 3 Tangible Steps to Gain Clarity, Get Into Action, and Accomplish Your Goals as You Leave Your Teaching Profession and Start Your Preschool, Microschool, or Tutoring Business

I hear it all of the time, "I have no idea where to begin"!  And trust me, I get it. Clarity takes time. Knowing what you want, and how to get it...it all takes concentration, deliberate motions, and specific tactics.

Working through the unknown can be messy. Changing your career and working towards a lifestyle pursuit can feel lonely, big, and confusing. But here's the truth. You're capable. You just need a push, permission, and a purpose.

So in today's episode, I discuss 3 tangible steps you can take to get more information, work through the questions, get a jumpstart on your teaching business and accomplish small goals along the way!

