I Need Help Enrolling Students! The 5 Questions to Ask Yourself While Marketing for Students In Your Preschool, Tutoring Business or Microschool

So you have started a business (or making some progress towards one!) and wondering, "Where are my students"? "How do I find the families who need my services?"

Or maybe you're struggling to find the amount of students needed to hit your target number or income goals. You have this incredible, valuable offer, and you want to make sure you are advertising in a way that is fruitful!

I get it. You're a teacher. You're not a marketing expert.

When you start a school, preschool, or tutoring business,  Advertising is critical. In today's episode, I discuss the 5 areas of marketing that need to be looked at when it comes to enrolling your students. We discuss your offer, your branding, your enrollment process, and much more!

