Before You Choose a Curriculum as a Homeschool Mom or Micro-School Teacher Do This FOUNDATIONAL Step FIRST! Gain Clarity, Save Money, and Prepare for a Great School Year!
Hey there, teacher friends!
This may be your first time homeschooling or preparing to run a micro-school and so many thoughts are running through your mind: What will this year look like? Feel like? How will I make this work? What curriculum do I purchase? How will I know my child is on track? Who will I partner up with? Where will we go? How can I make this fun for them and for me! The most frequent question I receive when it comes to starting a micro-school or homeschooling = what curriculum do you choose?
In today's episode, we are going to tackle a strategy that helps you gain more clarity and create a plan that actually answers the questions that are taking up all the space in your mom or teacher brain! This will help you understand where you want to go. We don’t want to start jumping and hoping it will all work out.
This is the first step I take in making one of the biggest decisions of the school year- curriculum choice.
Grab Your Introductory Packet and Cast Your Vision Here:
Snag a Clarity Coaching Session Here: