4 Essentials In Preparing a Tutoring or Teaching Business This Summer or Fall! Must-Have Organizational Tips to Help You Stay Focused While Serving Families and Enrolling Students!

Hey teacher friend!

I know what it's like to try and build a business knowing the timeframe is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! You feel as if your To-do list is growing and you are wondering...what's most essential? What do I need to do? What should I focus on? How do I stay connected to what's most important? What processes do I focus on?

In today's BONUS EPISODE, we discuss Time Management, Community Building, Strategies for the Enrollment Process, and All Necessary Documents when Starting a Homeschooling Business, Tutoring Business or Microschool.

It's important to recognize strategies in organizing your time and commitments so you can effectively enroll students!

Be Blessed!

Enroll NOW! Teacher, Let Your Light Shine’s Educational Marketing Series: A 5 Week Group Coaching Program To Enroll Students Efficiently and Effectively In Your Micro-school, Homeschool, or Tutoring Business! The Marketing Business Bundle is Included!

