What is it like to Run a Micro-school? Get Teacher and Mom Inspiration from the Lessons I Learned, Moments I Loved and Changes I Made to Become More Efficient in Our Homeschooling Business!
Hey there, teacher friend!
I often get asked, "What's it really like to run a micro-school out of your home? How Do You Balance it All?" Trust me, I wondered myself! But now that the dream actually became reality, having this business has been a blessing and game-changer for my teacher and mom life!
In today's episode, I share our March Monthly Recap as a "Day in the Life" of a work from home mom, teacher business builder, and micro-school owner.
I believe you will walk away with inspiration on starting your business and creating an educational alternative that is best for the LIFE you want to design as a teacher or parent. I share the changes I made, the moments I loved, and the lessons I learned this past month in an effort to give you more insight into how this could really look for you!