Exhausted, Frustrated? Experiencing Teacher Burnout? 8 Ways to Restore Mentally, Physically, and Emotionally!
Hey Teacher Friend!
Feel frustrated? Disappointed? Exhausted? Well, I am here to say...you are NOT defeated! You are NOT weak! You are stronger than you think, and this too shall pass! Teaching is a rewarding, yet demanding, career. With long hours and a heavy workload, teachers may fall prey to teacher burnout! This being said, you need proper support to continue shining your teacher light! Today's episode will refuel your "Teacher Tank"! Before you begin feeling hopeless, please know that you ARE capable of overcoming.
This labor of love does require rejuvenation, so today I am giving you 8 key practices to reignite your teacher flame! These practices are sure to help you regain composure and step into momentum!
We will tackle simple, everyday practices to keep you restored. If you feel as if you have hit a wall and can't think of another way to keep going strong (for yourself, family, or students) then take a pause (or a walk) and listen to today's episode. It's sure to nourish your soul!