5 Lessons I Learned While Leaving Public School Scared and Overwhelmed, Becoming a Homeschool Mom and A Micro-School Teacher, Finding Courage in the Unknown

Hi There, Teacher Friend!

It’s March, and I know many teachers are considering options for next year, frantically holding on to possibilities, dreaming of a different way to carry on their love for teaching, but scared to let go. We've all been scared to leave the safety and comfort zone of teaching and embark on a journey that may/may not have ever seemed possible. All the fears come flooding into our minds. Where do I go? If I leave, what do I become? Can I/Should I really do this? Should I homeschool my children? Where do I even begin?

Teacher friend, you are not alone. 3 years ago, I left teaching public school and had no idea where I was going or what I wanted to do. All I knew is that I needed to get out of there and start stepping in the direction God was calling.

In this podcast episode, I share 5 valuable lessons I learned going from Public School Teacher to Homeschool Mom to Micro-school Creator. I share what helped me along the way when I was scared, overwhelmed, and had no idea what I was doing!  I believe you will find encouragement from this heart-felt episode!

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