Generating Income with a Full Time/ Part Time Micro-School Business Model: Parents and Teachers offering Learning Experiences for Homeschooled Students- Tutoring, Socialization and Enrichment
Hey, teacher friend!
Are you thinking of possibly leaving public or a private school education and dreaming of creating a teaching career where you can impact the lives of many, make a great income, and teach with joy? Are you a parent wanting to Homeschool Your Own Children but don't want to do it alone? Need to Make an Income? Tune in for a Business Idea allowing parents to teach their children along with other homeschooled families. Teachers may be wondering, "Can I teach a homeschooled student?" This is the episode for you!
Today I give you all the details about our full-time microschool "Lighthouse Learning". In this episode, you will learn what it looks like, how I set the business model up, my target market group, when and how I homeschool these children, and what the tutoring aspect looks like. BONUS: How much money you can potentially make is revealed as well!
No matter if you are a parent or teacher, today's episode will help those curious about having a Full or Part-Time Business / Micro-school. There are several Business Possibilities to Embrace Your Teacher Gifts -both parents and teachers. Start Making an Impact Like Never Before!
Are you wondering "What could this really look like? Sounds so awesome! Can I really teach like this?" Get Your Notebook Out! There are many ways to build a microschool. Many often ask, "what is the difference between a microschool, homeschooling business, or learning pod? All of these terms can be used simultaneously to create a model that evolves.
What will this model look like?