3 Lessons on Preparing Financially to Transition out of Teaching, Become an Entrepreneur and Reduce the Anxiety Associated with Money

Hey there, Teacher Friend!

One of the top fears teachers face in becoming an entrepreneur: Will I be able to provide for my family financially? Teachers often feel anxiety when it comes to financially preparing for the transition out of the teaching career. Even more so, questions begin arising when it comes to starting a business, becoming an entrepreneur, and trying to handle money.

In today’s episode, we tackle 3 lessons on preparing financially and creating a healthy financial foundation in business. Let's get prepared!

Do you need help with a plan of action, accountability,  or clarity in your teacher career change? Interested in starting a micro-school, tutoring, or homeschooling business?  We offer one-on-one coaching to help you get "unstuck" and gain clarity so you can experience teacher career growth, build a business blueprint, market with clear messaging, and plan a successful business launch-whether it's a micro-school, tutoring business, or homeschooling business.

Schedule a session today!

