Back to School Series: Beating the Back-to-School Buzz: The Power of Stepping Away to Gain More Time, Energy and Vision!
Hello, teacher friends! It's the most wonderful time of the year, and as part of our back-to-school series, we're excited to bring you a bonus episode that's simply too good to miss. In this episode, we explore the power of stepping away and beating the back-to-school buzz.
As educators, we know the back-to-school period can be overwhelming. There’s always something that needs to be done, and it feels like there's no time to stop. But sometimes, taking a step back is exactly what we need to come back stronger. I share my personal experience from this past weekend, where stepping away led to unexpected inspiration and productivity.
You'll hear a story about how I walked away from an anticipated event and found five essential takeaways for beating the back-to-school buzz while building a vibrant micro school experience. You'll also learn about the joys and challenges of creating a school environment that is healthy, strong, and purposeful for both students and educators.
Join us as we dive into the importance of self-care, the power of delegation, embracing change, connecting with the community, and planning with flexibility. You'll discover how stepping away can bring renewed energy and fresh perspectives, setting the stage for an incredible school year.
If you’re ready to step away and come back stronger, this episode is for you. Tune in, and let’s beat the back-to-school buzz together!