Ending Financial Confusion and Frustration as a Teacher Entrepreneur! 4 Important People To Help You Gain Financial Wisdom for Starting and Maintaining a Micro School or a Tutoring Business
Finances can cause a big frustration for teachers transitioning from a salary position to tutoring or starting their own entrepreneurial journey. It's time to get out of the dark and just accepting "the funds to be deposited" without even knowing where your money is coming from or where it is going!
Today, I open up about the four key individuals who helped me manage my finances while starting our own micro school - a visionary, a banker, a financial advisor, and a tax accountant.
Not only are these individuals packed with advice, they do a tremendous job introducing you to the roles they play in your business and how you can cultivate similar relationships.
If you're fretting about your finances, listen in to learn how to navigate the financial seas of your micro school and look forward to thriving. We discuss preparing for start-up costs, managing day-to-day expenses and ensuring future financial security.
Preparing for your business's financial future, understanding taxes, and financial wisdom for handling your micro school or tutoring business are all imperative practices! Regardless of where you are in your business journey, the practical tips from this episode have you covered. Don't let the numbers drive you crazy!