From Public School Education to Teachers Pay Teachers and Building a Microschool! Becky McNichols Interview as a Year 1 Microschool Builder

Today’s episode will fill you with such inspiration as we interview former public school classroom teacher, Becky McNichols! Becky started her journey to building a microschool last year, and is closing out the school year celebrating a successful YEAR 1 of homeschooling her children, teaching multi-age students and enjoying the opportunity to teach from her home!

In this episode, Becky will inspire you with her journey to leaving the traditional classroom, using her Teachers Pay Teachers Resources and creative gift of creating instructional materials to deliver authentic learning activities for her children and students. While teaching from her basement (turned classroom), we take a look into her day to day activities, the learning adventures outside on her property and the experience she has had in finding Year One Students!

Becky shares her support system, her dream for homeschooling and her understanding that education could be delivered in new and exciting ways! You’ll walk away from this episode with a fresh perspective, hope in the future and inspiration to keep your dream alive!

