FUN AND EASY Marketing Tips! 6 ways to Promote Your Microschool, Learning Pod or Tutoring By Creating Community and Connection!

Marketing! Getting Those Families to Enroll and Work With You! Here Are Six Creative Ideas To Consider When Building Your Community Outreach Plan:

Community and connection are EVERYTHING. In this digital world, people want to see who you are and feel connected to you. This community outreach is how you begin to build that know, like, and trust factor. 

That is just one of the many reasons why community outreach is so, so important for you and your tutoring business!

Community outreach is any occasion or event when you intentionally reach out to your community or audience. Community outreach helps you build trusting relationships with families. This is also a way to add value and help grow your audience.

We know opportunities to share have been limited in the past few years, but times are changing and we definitely see more chances coming on the horizon! 

