I’m Leaving My Teaching Career But I Need the Words to Say! 10 Tips for Walking Away with Integrity, Confidence, Hope and Bravery!
The time is coming and you don't know where to begin or how to tell your current school- I am not coming back next year!! EEEK!! I understand, all the emotions, all the anticipation, the anxiety, the words to say and all the while wondering- is this even the right time?
When it comes to leaving your teaching job to pursue a business, a new career, or make a change that works best for you or your family, the act of actually facing your boss and saying, "I'm going to be leaving" can seem so hard, daunting and an immense amount of pressure!
But in today's episode, I can't wait to share how you can leave your teaching career with integrity, confidence and bravery! I provide 10 tips for walking away with grace, hope and a bright future!