Build Your Teacher Dream! Ditch State Testing and Create Student Centered Learning with Your Microschool, Learning Pod or Homeschooling Business
State testing, No Child Left Behind, state standards, mandates, progress monitoring-you know all the terms! If you are a Teacher who wants to students to succeed in teaching children the way you KNOW they need to learn-without all of the mandates, expectations and crazy rules-this episode is for you!
I know what it feels like to have all the anxiety around state testing. What an anxious season full of questioning job security, showing your face behind class scores. school grades. and dreading the possible embarassment of being called out in front of your peers during a faculty meeting-"Your students didn't hit the benchmark!"
Many people who wonder about homeschooling and microschooling, also wonder what it's like to progress monitor, make sure students are growing and excelling and all the while kissing state testing goodbye! What would it feel like to finally watch students learn and grow in a way that it authentic and matches your style of teaching and their style of learning?
Listen up!!