Teaching and Homeschool Systems for Organization, Ease, and Less Stress During Holidays! 4 Rotations and Themes To Finish Strong and Prepare for a New Year Without Burn Out

As teachers and homeschool parents, we know what the end of the year can feel like. With so many distractions and activities, the last thing we want to do is add more to our plates. So how do we create efficiency and remain effective during a fun and special time of the year?

In today's episode, we address a rinse-and-repeat structure and system to get your teaching routines underway during the holidays. Preparing for the New Year is so much better when we can ease our way into a transitional change. We definitely don't want to start the New Year with a blank sheet of paper.  But we have to make time and space to get the basics down.  

I share my 4 rotation system to stay fresh, sane, present, and intentional during this busy season so you can prepare for a New Year, New You, New Career, and New Perspective!

