4 Ways Teachers and Parents Can Make Money and Find Students Before Launching a Microschool or Add to an Existing Tutoring Business or Microschool!
So you are considering the possibility of opening a microschool, but you’re thinking about the financial aspect of things! What if I don’t get enough students? How do I find the families who need my service? How can I start saving money in order to walk away from my current teacher career?
In today’s episode, I share a very IMPORTANT idea that will help you get into motion to start your school, while also making some extra money on the side- and finding your future students! We must focus on ways families can build relationships with us. They must KNOW us, LIKE us, and TRUST us, in an effort to join our hands and say “YES” to your offer! These 4 ideas will help you start where you are and give you the confidence (and money) to keep going!