Hi, Teacher Friend! I’m Makenzie Oliver.

Former Elementary Teacher and Instructional Coach,
Current Microschool Teacher and Homeschool Business Builder

I’m a lover of long walks, dark chocolate, laughing with my daughters, and kayaking with my husband. I’m a sucker for a good book on my back porch. On summer and holiday breaks, you’ll find me eating home-cooked casseroles with my family, back home in Missouri. I’m a midwestern girl at heart, but the Florida sunshine stole my heart!   

I am married to my best friend and college sweetheart, Jamel. He has lifted me up and helped make the dream of having a school a reality. We have two daughters, Jaelyn (8th grade) and Joliana (4th grade). They are bright, funny, creative, and silly!  Our dog, Jax, is the cutest and best school mascot - when he’s not causing trouble during lunchtime or stealing pencils!

I have been teaching since I was just 6 years old. It’s true! My father built a schoolroom in the basement of our house so I could spend hours teaching imaginary friends. My high school and college years consisted of preschool teaching. I obtained my Master’s degree in K-12 Education and Administration Leadership. I was awarded “Heartland’s Best Teacher” in the State of Missouri. I was one of 12 teachers within 5 states to be honored with this award. After teaching there for 7 years, my family and I moved to Florida. I taught 3rd and 5th grade for 5 years and then spent 2 years in leadership as an Instructional Coach, for which I won a “Teacher of the Year” award.

I was dedicated to the core while in public school. I was invested in this season of life. But eventually, God changed my heart. Over the years, I kept envisioning a different kind of education, something beyond what I was experiencing day to day. I dreamed of having students in a tiny school in my backyard, but I never thought it could happen…

…As much as I loved teaching, I felt as if my hands were tied. I thought becoming an instructional coach would help solve many problems our students and teachers were facing, but instead of actually “solving” the problem, I became more like a counselor and confidant to frustrated, burnt-out teachers. Even through all the pain and heartache, this, was one of the best seasons of my teaching career. I knew that transformational teaching began with the heart of the classroom - within our precious teachers.

I knew teachers were going to face so many more hardships with the effects of the pandemic.  With all the changes, mandates, unknowns, and pressures, I knew I didn’t want to teach under these conditions. I also knew I wanted more for my own daughters. But where in the world would I send them for a great education without fear or distractions?  

The desire to build a school was beginning to grow stronger than ever before, but like you, I thought, “This could never happen! I don’t have the time, resources, or insight to build a school!?”  

But God never let the “stir” settle. I had to make a choice - to stay comfortable or go take a big leap of faith and travel uncharted waters. Can I really build a school in the midst of a pandemic?  Can I really get this up and going within 2 months? After much research, I found I could homeschool other children and give a unique and quality education without becoming a private school or a non-profit…

…with Lighthouse Learning and Teacher, Let Your Light Shine!

I learned how to grow and scale a profitable homeschooling business and a microschool.


Not only have I been able to give children an education I always dreamed of, but I’m able to do this out of the comfort of my own home. I have grown my school, hired a team, and surpassed my income teaching in public school. I have great plans for our school, but I know God is in control.
I hope you feel encouraged to learn more about this opportunity and make an impact on future generations!


Meet My Team

  • Madison


    Whether it’s social media, email marketing, web or graphic design, Madison helps Makenzie bring all of her ideas to life! For business inquiries, email her at maddigitalmgmt@gmail.com.

  • Mrs. Ancel


    Transitioning from traditional teaching to homeschooling helped Mrs. Ancel fall in love with teaching all over again! She loves when the students recognize their own progress and have that “Aha!” moment.

  • Mrs. Powers


    Mrs. Powers is a retired Reading Specialist. She loves reading and writing with the Lighthouse Learning children. It brings her joy to see the students be curious and creative!